Complaint policy
Article 1 Complaints regulations
In this arrangement the following definitions apply:
The organization: European Academy of Traditional osteopathy Netherlands / Belgium.
Administrators: Annelies Hofstee and Greet Janssens, owners of EATO-bnl.
3rd independent party: Liesbet Boen email:, the one who, instead of the administrators, can act as an independent party to complaints and disputes if the administrators with a client do not agree.
Client: the person who uses the service of the organization.
Objection: an oral or written expression of dissatisfaction with the services of the organization;
Complaint: a written and expressly submitted to the organization as a complaint of dissatisfaction with the service provided by the organization.
Article 2
This complaints procedure applies exclusively to clients of the organization. They can be represented and / or assisted by a person when submitting and processing complaints by those who are entitled to apply for the administration as referred to in Section 379 (1) and (2) of the Book of the Civil Code.
Article 3
An objection is dealt with by the administrator or his replacement within 14 days. He tries to resolve the objection by telephone or in writing in consultation with the client. If this is not possible within this time, then we will give an indication within this period of time. The client receives written notice of the manner in which the objection is settled by the administrator or his replacement. If the client is not satisfied, he / she can submit a complaint within one month of the date of the written confirmation of the objection handling.
Article 4
A complaint can only be submitted in writing. A complaint must at least include:
The name and address of the petitioner;
the date,
display / motivation of the complaint and the time,
Complaints that are not dated are considered to be dated on the day of receipt.
Article 5
The administrator or his replacement will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within ten working days, starting from the date postmark.
Article 6
The complaint will be dealt with as soon as possible by the administrator or his replacement, within six weeks at the latest, with due observance of the following: a. the administrator or his replacement hears the client, b. the administrator or his deputy resolves the complaint by mediation if possible and communicates the result in writing to the client.
The administrator or his replacement will check whether the behavior complained about is: a. is in violation of a statutory regulation or an arrangement applicable to the organization, b. is in accordance with the service to which the organization has committed itself, c. and / or is reasonably admissible after considering all facts and circumstances.
The complainant will be informed of the findings of the investigation into the complaint in writing and with motivation, possibly supplemented with further measures taken or to be taken as a result of the findings.
If a complaint in the opinion of the complainant has not been dealt with properly, the complainant can turn to the supervisory subdistrict court judge.
Article 7
All objections and complaints from clients are settled under strict confidentiality. If it is necessary to request information from third parties, prior permission will be requested from the client.
Article 8
A complaint will not be considered if: a. The complaint is anonymous, b. the fact that has been complained about has more than six months for filing occurred.
The complainant will be notified in writing within a period of three weeks after receipt of the complaint of not handling a complaint.
If the complainant disagrees with this, the complainant can turn to the district court that has instituted the administration.
Article 9
If the complaint is resolved or settled, the administrator or his replacement will record the manner in which this has been done on the complaints form.
The administrators conform to the judgment of the third party.
Article 10
An objection or complaint will not be dealt with or the treatment will be discontinued if the client has turned to the subdistrict court or another civil court before or during the treatment with regard to the same objection or the same complaint.
Article 11
Complaints and the manner of handling complaints are recorded and saved for two years.
Article 12
This regulation comes into effect on 18 February 2018